Friday, July 27, 2007

Political Correctness & the "Dumb" Gene

The concept of scientific evidence has morphed significantly over the years. For example, the report that "scientific evidence" shows that Jesus didn't really walk of water--it was probably, possibly, perhaps--ice, is an example of speculation labeled as "evidence." But, I don't want to talk about that report. I want to suggest that it is time for a scientific study to seek evidence of a link between those who are politically correct and the "dumb" gene.

My hypothesis is simple--only people who are really dumb will always stick to the politically correct path. They can't help it--they are just not capable of thinking. Put another way, I hypothesize that people who are dumb, when placed in positions of responsibility and authority, simply take the "pc" way on everything they must decide.

I offer this "evidence" to support my hypothesis. The technology folks have co-opted the term "evangelist" from Christianity. Any person who lives in the IT world will notice the fact that you can't read blogs or articles on the web without references to the term "evangelist" as a promoter of some process, product or technology. Adobe, for example, has a blatant site which is simply called "adobeEvangelists."

Soooo, when a major, major company established a position for a technology promoter, the decision makers entitled the position, "Innovation Evangelist." It makes sense. Everyone in IT knows what an evangelist is--a promoter. After all, the Greek word from which we get evangelist really means the one who brings good news.

But, someone in the company complained that they were offended by the use of the word evangelist which must be connected to Christianity. Here's where the dumb gene comes in. The person dealing with this complaint decided to drop the term, "evangelist." Yep, no reference to the fact that evangelist is a properly used term for promoter. No mention of the fact that use of the term is common place. Just a roll over to the complaint. No thinking involved. Hence, the evidence that the dumb gene is related to political correctness.

I certainly hope that no one in that company slips into other offensive language. No stating that someone was "converted" from their erroneous view on technology. No suggesting that the new IT platform is so good that folks in the field are "worshiping" the ground where their computers sit.

Now I realize that this "evidence", in the old days, would not be enough to convert my hypothesis into a theory. But these are not the old days. If Florida State University can publish the "walk on ice theory" as a theory, then right here before God and everybody (oops, I mean before nature and everybody) I wish to theorize that the tendency to adopt politically correct solutions is directly related to possession of the dumb gene.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Death by Democratization--Chapter 1313

Yet another blow for distinctions has been struck. Barristers, who used to be visibly distinct from Solicitors in the English legal system, will no longer wear their wigs in civil cases. The egalitarians have won again!

Even though the courts stress that the change is being made to save money and do away with a tradition that is "uncomfortable and smelly" to some, the NY Times revels in the real reason; the wigs were elitist. They marked out the Barristers from the Solicitors, who used to be a kind of every day lawyer who handed litigation over to the specialist--the wigged Barrister. (Not surprisingly, the wigs are kept for criminal trials where defendants report a certain comfort level from knowing that they have the real thing, a trial bulldog!)

Our society is dying by democratization. Pay scales look only at how long you've worked, not how well. Nurses and receptionists all wear scrubs. (Fill in your favorite example here.) On the ecclesiastical side, gone are the days where Reformed preachers dressed in academic regalia to indicate that they were specialists in handling God's word. All we are left with is the ecclesiastical robe, which means what?

So, keep giving all the kids trophys from the earliest ages. Let no one get below an A- on his report card, and don't worry about the qualifications of the one coming at you with a scalpel. You may be angry at him later for botching the job, but at least you won't resent him for being elitist.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Pope is in Trouble for What?

So here's the deal. In a letter to Bishops, found here, the Pope reinstated a pre-Vatican II form of the Mass, which includes a prayer that Jews everywhere would be converted. So, now he is is trouble for being narrow minded. I don't get it. It seems to me that much of the Apostle Paul's work was--yep--conversion of the Jews. His discussion of the topic takes up the entire 9th through 11th chapters of Romans. I thought that we were to be about the conversion of all those who don't claim Christ as Savior.

Maybe those who just can't take it when someone stands for something ought to look around. The "stand for nothing" denominations are dying. The Roman church is growing. Even the post-moderns want a link with history.

The nerve of that guy, praying for conversions!