Monday, July 31, 2006

RUF with Sacraments

Last night we attended an "emerging" church (PCA). The young woman who sat next to me was a regular with a PCA background. She said that she and her husband loved it because it was like RUF with Sacraments. And, it was.

Liturgical, informal and with RUF type tunes, it appealed to the trendy, 20-30 somethings. No 40s appeared, and only three 50s couples. There weren't many kids there. It was a wonderful collection of young people, but none of them looked like they were off the streets. Most really did look like RUFers. So, across town the socioeconomic look would have been different in a traditional church, but just as narrow. Is the emerging really emerging or just mining in a different strata of the earth?

One thing I really liked, however, was the start time-late afternoon. Could this begin to bring back the "rest" idea to Sunday? I would guess that it could. It might also be a wonderful way to jump start a church plant. My guess is that early afternoon folks would never go back to early or mid morning. How restful if this caught on for families.

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