Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sadly, He's Right

Illinois just elected a Representative to replace retired Rep. Dennis Hastert. His name is Bill Foster. Aside from having a successful career in science and business, he is a classic American pragmatist. Here's what he said:

People on both sides should take the message that we want people who are less divisive, less ideological and more problem-solving.

Rightly, he senses that people don't care if you have beliefs or principles. The issue is, can you work for them. All the great people abusers in history have understood this. Foster does, although I don't mean that he is automatically a people abuser. He is just an average American pragmatist. The ends justify whatever means. We don't have to think about it. It works, or it doesn't.

He wants to be there to fix the war, social security, poverty, etc., without a thought on why--just that it works. Sadly.

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