Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Convention Thoughts

I have been watching the Democratic convention from Denver. I expect to see much of the same from Minnesota next week when the Republicans take to the air. I can't believe what I see!

The parade of legislators is endless, each with the same message. Things will change when we get a new President. Failed legislative policies of the past will be replaced by new, better ones. Bills to cut or raise taxes (depending on who you want to tax or let off) will flow down the aisles of Congress. Health Care will change overnight. Everyone will get free money!

Well, lets just stop a minute and do a Constitution check. The President, covered by Article II of the Constitution, gets about 18 lines of text to spell out his powers and duties, including five that spell out his duty to receive and appoint ambassadors and commission officers of the US (military and foreign service). The Legislature, which is the Senate and House, gets 71 lines of powers and duties, including the duty and power to make all laws. Did you read that--they make the laws, not the President. If he vetoes them, they can override the veto. THE POWER IS IN THE LEGISLATURE.

So, do you get the irony in legislators parading before the cameras calling a president to task for failing to the the thing they, and only they, have the power to do?

What could be worse than that? I'll tell you: the people who clap and possibly believe this stuff, aka the electorate.


Narwhal said...

Congress is lazy. It's just easier to cede power to the president and then complain about what happens.

Not only that, but because of the power of the federal agencies, the presidential signing statements now have more effect than ever before and arguably trump the legislation. About 78% of the signing declarations made by W have included challenges to the laws. In many instances he has flatly said he will not obey provisions of the bill he is signing into law. That type of behavior sorta kills the notion of power in the legislature.

Narwhal said...

BTW - I have no idea why that comment is listed as coming from "about us". I think I got that fixed.