Monday, October 09, 2006

Books or Blogs?

I just finished another of John Buchan's amazing works of fiction. Buchan wrote in the first half of the 20th Century (most in 1910-1925) and finished the fourth in a series "starring" Richard Hannay in 1924. I enjoy downloading his books for the Palm and reading by backlit screen.

So, for fiction I turn to books, both paper and electronic. But, when it comes to nonfiction, I find that much of the material I read is found on blogs. Cyber authors address issues immediately via their blogs. Yes, I still read nonfiction in bound form, but there is really good comment, analysis and information available on the internet that is hard to pass it up.

Pastors post sermons and articles (thoughts) which are worth viewing. Charlie Wingard, my own pastor does this regularly. Reformation 21 has a great blog, and there are several others that are worthwhile. Younger folks blog regularly, and it is interesting (and important) to see what they say and what they are thinking. It is also interesting to see how they think. They will, after all, make the big decisions in the future. What will the church look like? (Yes, George Barna, there will be a local church!) What will they do with all of us baby boomers in 20 years?

It seems to me that there will always be a place for David McCullough's books on the shelf. But, there is lots of good history material online. And, thoughts about tomorrow are always online today!


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