Sunday, October 22, 2006

Is Apologetics A Lost Art?

Yesterday there was a story about how former former German Chancellor Schroeder had doubts about President Bush because Bush constantly referred to his Christian beliefs. Here is the beginning of a great water cooler discussion of separation of Church and State, or beliefs and actions. Yet, I fear, most Christians will miss the opportunity by simply disagreeing with someone who takes the Separation view. After words of disagreement, everyone will return to work.

What about Apologetics here? Why don't we take on the idea that we really want a person to act in accord with his or her beliefs? We can point out that a person who doesn't act in accord with beliefs is commonly called a hypocrite. We can point out that politics and science aren't immune from this principle. After all, Darwin was mad at God and acted in harmony with that belief when he put forth his hypotheses. We expect our business leaders to remain true to their business plan, which is based upon certain assumptions. Why don't we expect the same from a leader.

If the leader was opposed to Christianity, wouldn't we expect him to live accordingly? Scripture affirms this truth. Paul is regularly reminding us that we are to live our beliefs. That is in harmony with the way that even unbelievers live. Can you imagine the uproar if a well known atheist said, "Well, I personally don't believe in God but I think it is great that we have His name in the pledge of allegiance."

I think this is the first step in blasting off the glasses that an unbeliever sees through. (A VanTillian idea!) He must see the illogic of his ways.

This keeps the conversation alive with our unbelieving friends. Simply disagreeing does not. Let's get out there and set some blasting charges!

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