Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Yankee paradigm, Kevin Millar and post-modernity

I had the time of my life last night watching the Baltimore Orioles trash the Yankees 12-0. I don't like the Yankees much, so it was a great thing to watch as the score mounted higher and higher throughout the game.

Watching the game got me thinking. The Yankees have, from a purely objective view, the best team in baseball. They are loaded with high-priced talent in most all positions. Their younger starts are among the best in the new talent line up. So, why don't they win?

I think it is because they are the paradigm for the post-modern world. They don't concern themselves with relational chemistry. Just sign stars and let them play. They are a cookie cutter production, with little thought for the relationships that do or don't develop between players. You can replace anybody with another body that hits with a higher average, or has a better arm throwing from the outfield. Life in general is becoming like that. A certified teacher is the same as any other certified teacher. Let's not consider whether or not there is passion in the act, let's just look at qualifications.

In Scripture, personality plays a big role in how God directs his kingdom work. In the post-modern world, it is irrelevant. Personal interviews, for example, have given way to online resumes that are computer searched for key words. If the best person for the job omits a "key word" that the computer is looking for--sorry!

Consider the Red Sox. They were world champions in 2004. Kevin Millar was a spark plug on that team. He was friends with everyone, and he is credited with the phrase, "cowboy up," which was a catalyst in the chemistry that developed on the team. He was let go at the end of the next season. The Red Sox are still good, but without the "bunch of idiots" chemistry, they lack the drive they exhibited in 2o04.

God uses relationships in the body to make us more together than we are individually. The world looks at resumes, God looks at living, breathing, thinking, personal beings. And, thank you, Kevin Millar, for your personality.

So, away with computer searching through resumes, and one certified teacher equals any other certified teacher. Bring back chemistry. Without it, marriages, churches and even baseball teams don't have a chance.


Roy said...

GOOOO! Angels!!!

Anonymous said...

Very nice post Skipper.

The Chief